Trapping is part of our cultural heritage that provides income, recreation, and an outdoor lifestyle for many citizens through use of renewable natural resources. Professional wildlife managers all across the country use trappers and trapping to keep wildlife populations in check, prevent disease outbreaks like rabies, ensure the public's safety and prevent property damage to houses, water supplies, salmon hatcheries, livestock, trees, and sensitive endangered species.

The Washington State Trappers Association (WSTA) is a 501(C)4 nonprofit organization of trappers and associates dedicated to maintaining our trapping privileges and regaining those that have been lost.
Members of the Washington State Trappers Association (WSTA) take seriously the responsibility of maintaining the heritage of trapping we are heir to. WSTA is committed to defending and promoting the safe and ethical harvest of fur-bearing mammals and to the preservation and enhancement of their habitats.
Trappers produce the oldest renewable and environmentally friendly products. Furs are recognized as such after many centuries of use. Trapping is an accepted and selective management tool for the harvest of furbearers. A well-conducted harvest assists landowners by controlling nuisance animals before they cause damage.
WSTA strives to educate the public about the necessity of the sustainable harvest of furbearers. We provide trapper education, emphasizing the most humane and efficient techniques in harvesting furbearers. Annually, we provide demonstrations to teach novice trappers the latest strategies and techniques to safely and humanely harvest fur.
We publish four newsletters each year with monthly reports in the Trapper and Predator Caller magazine. Our business meeting is held in the spring, where we make business, political and philanthropic decisions.
The Washington State Trappers Association (WSTA) is a 501(C)4 nonprofit organization of trappers and associates dedicated to maintaining our trapping privileges and regaining those that have been lost.